Student Handbook

A Message from the Dean of Students:

Dear Student:

Your college education is one of the most important investments you'll ever make. It has the potential to transform you as a person and to make available to you a world of future opportunities. Because of the tremendous importance of your college experience, you should give serious thought regarding what you intend to accomplish while here. Our goal is to help prepare you for a responsible life of learning, service, and leadership. This goal is best achieved through your intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and personal growth. Success will depend upon the efforts made by you and by the college.

The college strives to provide highly qualified faculty and staff and an environment supportive of the College's mission and your personal growth both inside and outside the classroom.

You are responsible for taking advantage of the many opportunities available to you including attending classes and completing academic assignments on time, becoming involved in college life, abiding by the policies and regulations of the college, and seeking assistance if needed.

Roanoke is an academic community that operates on the principles of honesty, personal responsibility, and respect for self and others. You are expected to conduct yourself in accordance with these principles, and will gain the most from your college experience if you model your behavior on them. Three publications: this Student Handbook, The Student Conduct Code of Roanoke College, and Academic Integrity at Roanoke College set out in detail what is considered appropriate conduct and what constitutes misconduct. You should familiarize yourself with their contents.

On behalf of Roanoke College, I wish you much success in your college career. 


Thomas A. Rambo
Dean of Students